

Vaccines are available by appointment.

To promote the best safety practices at this time, most immunizations are by appointment only and are often available within the same day. You can schedule your immunizations using the links below for Covid19, Flu (Influenza), RSV, and Shingles vaccine. Please call 425-486-7711 to schedule all other vaccinations or to inquire about current walk-in availability.

Our pharmacists are all certified immunizers so we always have someone able to administer your vaccine during all store hours. We are able to bill most insurance plans for immunizations. If you have questions regarding vaccines, please speak to one of our pharmacists.

Make an appointment for the following vaccines here:

We’re happy to offer COVID-19 vaccinations for ages 5+ and flu vaccinations for ages 4+.
If you are seeking vaccinations for children younger than the above ages, please visit our sister store, Bob Johnson’s Pharmacy.

Travel vaccines: whether you are going on a mission trip or vacationing abroad, we offer consultations and recommendations based on the CDC’s guidelines for the area you’re visiting.
Before making an appointment, complete the Travel Clinic Form here.